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How an hourglass diffuser works and how to use it

19 Jan

An hourglass diffuser is a home fragrance product that diffuses fragrance in the air by inverting an hourglass to allow the fragrance to flow from one glass bottle to another. The advantages of the hourglass diffuser are that it does not require the use of flames or electricity, is safe and convenient, and has an elegant design that can be used as a home decoration. So, how does an hourglass diffuser work? How should it be used? This article will answer these questions for you.

How an hourglass diffuser works

Hourglass diffusers work by using gravity and capillary action to allow fragrance to flow from one glass bottle to another. The hourglass diffuser consists of two glass bottles, one filled with fragrance and the other empty, and a metal base. There is a thin tube between the two glass bottles. There is a small hole at both ends of the thin tube to allow the fragrance liquid to pass through. When you turn the hourglass diffuser upside down, the fragrance flows from one glass bottle to the other. At the same time, the fragrance liquid evaporates from the small holes in the thin tube to form the fragrance. When all the fragrance has flowed into the other glass bottle, you can invert the hourglass diffuser again and repeat the process. Generally speaking, hourglass diffuser fragrances will last for several months, depending on frequency of use and environmental conditions.

How to use an hourglass diffuser

Using an hourglass diffuser is easy, just follow these steps:

Step 1: Place the hourglass diffuser on a stable surface, making sure both bottles are perpendicular to the ground and the bottle containing the fragrance is on top.

Step 2: Gently turn the hourglass diffuser upside down and let the fragrance flow from the upper glass bottle to the lower glass bottle. You can see the fragrance liquid flowing slowly in the thin tube, and at the same time, the fragrance will emit from the small holes in the thin tube.

Step 3: Wait an hour for the aroma to fully diffuse into the air. You can adjust the position and direction of the hourglass diffuser according to your preference to achieve the best fragrance effect.

Step 4: If you want to continue using the hourglass diffuser, you can invert the hourglass diffuser again and repeat steps two and three. If you want to stop using the hourglass diffuser, you can return the hourglass diffuser to its original state with the glass bottle containing the fragrance on top. This will prevent excessive evaporation of the fragrance.


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